How to set up a zoom meeting

Here are some guidelines and tips for FMA Zoom administrators, and for those using a personal (free) account, on setting up a meeting.

You can create your own free Zoom account here:, Meetings scheduled on a free acount may have up to 100 participants but are limited to 40 minutes in duration.

Check out this instructional video from for the basics of scheduling a meeting:  Scheduling a Meeting

When you schedule a meeting, you become the meeting "host".  When you sign into your Zoom account and start or join a meeting, you can take certain actions to control the other participants:

  • Mute/unmute participants
  • Make host/co-host (not sure if this only applies to participants with paid accounts)
  • Rename
  • Put on hold
  • Remove
  • Mute/unmute all

You can also provide a "waiting room" and start the meeting when you are ready.

However, we conduct most of our meetings without needing the presence of a "host".  To enable this scenario you must apply the following settings:

  1. Enable join before host: YES
  2. Enable waiting room: NO

Other options:

  1. Video and Audio: Should ON for both host and participants
  2. Audio: Telephone and Computer Audio
  3. All other "Meeting Options" should be OFF in most cases

When you are ready, you may retrieve the meeting information from the "Copy the inviation" link next to "Invite Attendees".  Your participants will need the "join link", the "Meeting ID" and the phone number.  We find it confusing to send multiple phone numbers, we just use one:  346 248 7799.

If you are using a personal account, be sure to provide the meeting information to the calendar coordinator so that we can put it on the calendar.  Use the  the Calendar Contact send us the information.